Bos.cifs Fs.rte
I've problem to install Oracle on AIX server (AIX 5.3). I want use the silent mode
I execute command :
An idee ?
LOG FILE : /Oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2009-01-22_10-31-45AM.log
RESPONSE FILE : /tmp/enterprise.rsp
I've problem to install Oracle on AIX server (AIX 5.3). I want use the silent mode
I execute command :
runInstall -silent -responseFile /tmp/enterprise.rspand it stop after the check
An idee ?
./runInstall -silent -responseFile /tmp/enterprise.rsp
Your platform requires the root user to perform certain pre-installation
OS preparation. The root user should run the shell script '' before
you proceed with Oracle installation. can be found at the top level
of the CD or the stage area.
Answer 'y' if root has run '' so you can proceed with Oracle installation.
Answer 'n' to abort installation and then ask root to run ''.
Has '' been run by root? [y/n] (n)
Starting Oracle Universal Installer..
No pre-requisite checks found in oraparam.ini, no system pre-requisite checks will be executed.
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2009-01-22_10-31-45AM. Please wait ..
$ Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
Copyright (C) 1999, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
You can find a log of this install session at:
.................................................. 100% Done.
Loading Product Information
.......................................................... 100% Done.
Analyzing dependencies
Starting execution of Prerequisites..
Total No of checks: 7
Performing check for CertifiedVersions
Checking operating system requirements ..
Expected result: One of 5200.004,5300.002
Actual Result: 5300.002
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
Check complete: Passed
Performing check for Packages
Checking operating system package requirements ..
Checking for bos.adt.base(0.0); found bos.adt.base( Passed
Checking for bos.adt.lib(0.0); found bos.adt.lib( Passed
Checking for bos.adt.libm(0.0); found bos.adt.libm( Passed
Checking for bos.perf.libperfstat(0.0); found bos.perf.libperfstat( Passed
Checking for bos.perf.perfstat(0.0); found bos.perf.perfstat( Passed
Checking for bos.perf.proctools(0.0); found bos.perf.proctools( Passed
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
Check complete: Passed
Performing check for Patches
Checking recommended operating system patches
Checking for IY59386(bos.rte.bind_cmds,; found (bos.rte.bind_cmds, Passed
Checking for IY60930(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY60930(bos.mp64,; found (bos.mp64, Passed
Checking for IY66513(bos.mp64,; found (bos.mp64, Passed
Checking for IY66513(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY70159(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY70159(bos.mp64,; found (bos.mp64, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.mp64,; found (bos.mp64, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.acct,; found (bos.acct, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.adt.include,; found (bos.adt.include, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.adt.libm,; found (bos.adt.libm, Passed
Checking for IY58143(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.alt_disk_install.rte,; found (bos.alt_disk_install.rte, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.cifs_fs.rte,; found Not found. Failed <<<<
Checking for IY58143(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.perf.libperfstat,; found (bos.perf.libperfstat, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.perf.perfstat,; found (bos.perf.perfstat, Passed
Checking for IY58143(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.boot,; found (bos.rte.boot, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.archive,; found (bos.rte.archive, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.bind_cmds,; found (bos.rte.bind_cmds, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.control,; found (bos.rte.control, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.filesystem,; found (bos.rte.filesystem, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.install,; found (bos.rte.install, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.libc,; found (bos.rte.libc, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.lvm,; found (bos.rte.lvm, Passed
Checking for IY58143(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.methods,; found (bos.rte.methods, Passed
Checking for IY58143(,; found (, Passed
Checking for IY58143(bos.rte.serv_aid,; found (bos.rte.serv_aid, Passed
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
Check complete: Failed <<<<
Problem: Some recommended patches are missing (see above).
Recommendation: You may actually have installed patches which have obsoleted these, in which case you
can successfully continue with the install. If you have not, it is recommended that you do not continue.
Refer to the readme to find out how to get the missing patches.
Performing check for OracleBase
Validating ORACLE_BASE location (if set) ..
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
Check complete: Passed
Performing check for OracleHomeSpace
Checking Oracle Home path for spaces..
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
Check complete: Passed
Performing check for DetectAnyInvalidASMHome
Checking for proper system clean-up..
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
Check complete: Passed
Performing check for CompatibilityChecks
Checking for Oracle Home incompatibilities ..
Actual Result: NEW_HOME
Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
Check complete: Passed
PrereqChecks complete
.........Please check '/Oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2009-01-22_10-31-45AM.log' for more details.
LOG FILE : /Oracle/oraInventory/logs/silentInstall2009-01-22_10-31-45AM.log
cat silentInstall2009-01-22_10-31-45AM.log
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only.
*** Error Dialog: OUI-10151:There was an error while loading library: generalQueries ***
User Selected: S&top installation of this component only. No such file or directory /Oracle/ora10/inventory/Queries21/generalQueries/
This silent installation was unsuccessful.
RESPONSE FILE : /tmp/enterprise.rsp
FROM_LOCATION_CD_LABEL=<Value Unspecified>
RESTART_SYSTEM=<Value Unspecified>
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<Value Unspecified>
REMOVE_HOMES=<Value Unspecified>
sl_superAdminPasswds=<Value Unspecified>
sl_dlgASMCfgSelectableDisks=<Value Unspecified>
s_superAdminSamePasswd=<Value Unspecified>
s_globalDBName=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgASMCfgRedundancyValue=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgASMCfgNewDisksSize=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgASMCfgExistingFreeSpace=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgASMCfgDiskGroupName=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgASMCfgDiskDiscoveryString=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgASMCfgAdditionalSpaceNeeded=<Value Unspecified>
s_dbSelectedUsesASM=<Value Unspecified>
s_dbSIDSelectedForUpgrade=<Value Unspecified>
s_dbRetChar=<Value Unspecified>
s_dbOHSelectedForUpgrade=<Value Unspecified>
s_ASMSYSPassword=<Value Unspecified>
n_performUpgrade=<Value Unspecified>
n_dlgASMCfgRedundancySelected=<Value Unspecified>
n_dbType=<Value Unspecified>
n_dbSelection=<Value Unspecified>
b_useSamePassword=<Value Unspecified>
b_useFileSystemForRecovery=<Value Unspecified>
b_receiveEmailNotification=<Value Unspecified>
b_loadExampleSchemas=<Value Unspecified>
b_enableAutoBackup=<Value Unspecified>
b_dlgASMShowCandidateDisks=<Value Unspecified>
b_centrallyManageASMInstance=<Value Unspecified>
sl_dlgASMDskGrpSelectedGroup=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgRBOUsername=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgEMCentralAgentSelected=<Value Unspecified>
b_useDBControl=<Value Unspecified>
s_superAdminSamePasswdAgain=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgEMSMTPServer=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgEMEmailAddress=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgRBORecoveryLocation=<Value Unspecified>
n_upgradeDB=<Value Unspecified>
sl_upgradableSIDBInstances=<Value Unspecified>
n_upgradeASM=<Value Unspecified>
sl_dlgASMCfgDiskSelections=<Value Unspecified>
s_ASMSYSPasswordAgain=<Value Unspecified>
n_dbStorageType=<Value Unspecified>
s_rawDeviceMapFileLocation=<Value Unspecified>
sl_upgradableRACDBInstances=<Value Unspecified>
s_dlgRBOPassword=<Value Unspecified>
b_stateOfUpgradeDBCheckbox=<Value Unspecified>
s_dbSid=<Value Unspecified>
b_dbSelectedUsesASM=<Value Unspecified>
sl_superAdminPasswdsAgain=<Value Unspecified>
s_mountPoint=<Value Unspecified>
b_stateOfUpgradeASMCheckbox=<Value Unspecified>
oracle.sysman.console.db:OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOLS=<Value Unspecified>
oracle.assistants.server:OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOLS=<Value Unspecified><Value Unspecified>
oracle.sqlplus.isqlplus:OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOLS=<Value Unspecified>
oracle.has.common:OPTIONAL_CONFIG_TOOLS=<Value Unspecified>
s_nameForOPERGrp=<Value Unspecified>
s_nameForDBAGrp=<Value Unspecified>
varSelect=<Value Unspecified>
Hi, I've tried to get the 'bos.cifsfs.rte.' from IBM fix central, ang it works well. Virtual drive for mac. At the fourth choice, take 'specific fixes', then in the search field (right one), in the following page enter the full name of the fileset you're looking at.
Fix Readme
Fix versions and fileset release for Runtime for SMBFS
Universal media server android. 9.4.3 (x86 package) 9.4.3 (x8664 package) 9.4.3 (arm64 package) 9.4.3 (armel package) 9.4.3 (armhf package) Previous releases.
This page provides a list of releases for the fileset. Use this page to look at the history of releases and to determine the latest fileset versions available for each release of AIX.
Fileset/Version | Fix pack |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-04-02-2016 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-04 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-03-04-1938 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-03-03-1914 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-03-02-1846 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-03 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-02-05-1938 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-02-04-1914 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-02-03-1845 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-02-02-1832 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-02-02-1810 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-02 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-01-06-1914 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-01-04-1806 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-01-03-1720 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-01-02-1717 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-01 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-00-06-1806 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-00-05-1720 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-00-04-1717 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7200-00-02-1614 |
Fileset/Version | Fix pack |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05-06-2016 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05-05-1939 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05-04-1914 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05-03-1838 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05-02-1832 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05-02-1810 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-05 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04-08-1914 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04-06-1806 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04-05-1720 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04-04-1717 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04-03-1643 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04-02-1614 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-04 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-09-1717 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-08-1642 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-07-1614 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-06-1543 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-05-1524 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-04-1441 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03-03-1415 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-03 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-02-06-1441 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-02-05-1415 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-02-04-1341 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-02-03-1334 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-02-02-1316 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-02 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-10-1415 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-09-1341 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-03-1207 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-08-1334 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-07-1316 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-06-1241 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-05-1228 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-04-1216 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01-02-1150 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-01 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-10-1334 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-09-1316 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-08-1241 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-07-1228 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-06-1216 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-05-1207 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-04-1140 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 7100-00-03-1115 |
Fileset/Version | Fix pack |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-05-1524 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-10-1731 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-04-1441 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-09-1717 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-08-1643 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-03-1415 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-07-1614 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09-06-1543 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-09 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-08-06-1441 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-08-05-1415 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-08-04-1341 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-08-03-1339 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-08-02-1316 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-08 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-10-1415 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-09-1341 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-03-1207 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-08-1339 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-07-1316 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-06-1241 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-05-1228 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-04-1216 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07-02-1150 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-07 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-12-1339 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-11-1316 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-10-1241 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-09-1228 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-08-1216 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-07-1207 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-06-1140 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-05-1115 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06-04-1112 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-06 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-05-09-1228 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-05-08-1207 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-05-07-1140 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-05-05-1112 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-05 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-04-09-1112 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-04-04-1014 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-04-03-1009 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-04-02-1007 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-04 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-03-09-1112 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-03-04-1014 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-03-02-0939 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-03 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-02-07-1014 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-02-05-0939 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-02-04-0920 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-02-03-0909 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-02 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01-08-1014 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01-06-0939 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01-05-0920 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01-04-0909 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01-03-0846 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01-02-0834 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-01 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-00-10-0939 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-00-09-0920 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-00-08-0909 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-00-07-0846 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 6100-00-06-0834 |
Fileset/Version | Fix pack |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-09-06-1013 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-09-05-0943 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-09-03-0918 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-09 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-08-09-1013 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-08-08-0943 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-08-06-0918 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-08-04-0844 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-08 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-07-10-0943 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-07-08-0918 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-07-06-0844 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-07 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-12-05-1140 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-12-03-1107 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-12 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-11-06-1107 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-11-03-1013 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-11-02-1009 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-11 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-10-06-1107 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-10-03-1013 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-10-02-0943 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-10 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-06-11-0918 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-06-09-0844 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-06-03-0732 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-06 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-05 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-04 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-03 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5300-01 |
Fileset/Version | Fix pack |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-09 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-08 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-07 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-06 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-05 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-04 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-03 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-10-02-0730 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-10 |
bos.cifs_fs.rte. | 5200-01 |
[{'Business Unit':{'code':'BU009','label':'Systems - Cognitive'},'Product':{'code':'SG11M','label':'AIX'},'Platform':[{'code':'PF025','label':'Platform Independent'}]}]
Document Information
Modified date:
14 May 2020